
服务的动物 vs Emotional Support Animals

雪学院致力于为残疾人士提供合理的便利 and fulfilling obligations under State and Federal law. This Policy governs the use of assistance 动物s on campus by persons 有残疾的.

Emotional 服务的动物

Emotional 服务的动物

Emotional Support Animal (other than service 动物s)

该学院承认联邦法律下的“援助动物”这一更广泛的类别 为个人提供身体和/或情感支持的房屋管理局(FHA) 有残疾的. “Assistance Animals” are defined as a category of 动物s that 是否可以为残障人士工作、提供协助或执行体力劳动 和/或为患有精神或精神疾病的人提供必要的情感支持 残疾, but which are not considered 服务的动物 under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA).

作为一种合理的住宿方式,个人可以与辅助动物一起居住 if:

  1. The person has a 残疾.
  2. 动物是提供给残疾人平等机会的必要条件 to use and enjoy a dwelling; and
  3. 残疾与援助之间存在可识别的关系或联系 动物提供.

情感支持动物(ESA)必须在居民的私人空间内 assigned individual living quarters (room, suite, apartment) except to the extent the resident is taking the 动物 out for natural relief. When the ESA is outside 居民的私人住所,动物必须在动物载体或 controlled by a leash or harness. The ESA is not permitted in other areas of the college (e.g.、其他宿舍楼或公寓楼、餐饮设施、教学楼、 athletic buildings and facilities, classrooms, labs, libraries, etc.).

Emotional Support 动物s are encouraged to be at least 12 months of age.

希望在大学宿舍使用辅助动物的居民必须确定和 提前至少45天向残疾服务办公室(ODS)登记 before housing for the 动物 is needed, and provide the following documentation:
  1. Treating professional completes the Emotional Support Animal Documentation form
  2. College resident completes the Emotional Support Request Form
    • 学院保留要求额外澄清或文件的权利 to substantiate a 残疾 and/or need for the accommodation.
    • 混乱办会核实住宿申请并与住院医师合作 and campus officials to facilitate a supportive network.
    • 学院保留要求额外澄清或文件的权利 to ensure the 动物 is suitable for college housing. This may include but not be 仅限于涉及12个月以下动物的情况,动物 considered unique (i.e. not a cat or dog), or 动物s that are suspected of being a health or safety risk to others.
      • For unique 动物s (i.e. not a cat or dog), the individual has the substantial burden of demonstrating a 残疾-related therapeutic need for the specific 动物 or the specific type of 动物. Residents with unique 动物s should also be prepared to provide the following additional information from their treating professional:
        • The date of the last consultation with the individual
        • 任何独特的情况证明个人需要特定的动物 (如个人已拥有或已确认)或特定种类的动物;及
        • 治疗专业人员是否有关于动物的可靠信息或者是否 they specifically recommended this type of 动物.
      • 如果存在情感支持动物,学院可能会拒绝在宿舍提供情感支持动物的请求 关于动物的:
        • Poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others;
        • Would cause substantial physical damage to the property of others;
        • Would pose an undue financial and administrative burden; or
        • Would fundamentally alter the nature of housing operations
      • 学院考虑以下因素,以确定是否情感支持 Animal is suitable for college housing:
        • Whether the 动物’s presence would otherwise violate individuals’ right to peace and quiet enjoyment of their dwelling.
        • 动物是否不守家规,是否能够合理地与他人生活在一起.
        • Whether the 动物’s vaccinations are up to date.
        • 该动物是否对个人构成直接威胁或过去曾对个人构成直接威胁 or others, such as injuring or acting aggressively.
        • 动物是否可能造成或已经造成房屋过度损坏 reasonable wear and tear.
  3. 一旦情感支持动物得到混乱办的批准,住院医生就必须见面 与指定的住宿生活主任(或指定人员)讨论指导方针 residing in college housing with an 动物.
    • 在会议期间,住宿和住宿生活主任将完成ODS 动物的清单.




Disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的身体或精神损伤; a record of such impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment.


学院认可美国残疾人协会定义的“服务性动物” Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). Pursuant to that law, a service 动物 is defined as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an 残疾人士,包括身体、感官、精神、智力、 or other mental 残疾.

其他种类的动物,无论是野生的还是家养的,受过训练的还是未经训练的,都不是 service 动物s for the purposes of this 定义. The work or tasks performed by a service 动物 must be directly related to the handler's 残疾. 犯罪威慑 动物的存在和提供情感支持、幸福感的影响, 舒适,或陪伴不构成工作或任务的目的 定义.

校园内的服务性动物必须遵守所有州和当地的许可证和疫苗接种 需求.

照顾和监督服务性动物是个人的责任 who uses the 动物’s service. The individual must always maintain control of the 动物. The individual using the 动物’s service is responsible for ensuring the cleanup of all 动物 waste and for any damage caused by the 动物. 大学官员 and staff may designate 动物 toileting areas.

由于健康原因,学院可能会禁止在某些地点使用服务性动物 或者安全限制,服务性动物可能处于危险之中,或者它们的使用 may compromise the integrity of research. Exceptions to restricted areas may be granted on a case-by-case basis by contacting the Office of Disability Services (ODS). In 在作出决定之前,混乱办将与有关部门商讨 nature of the restricted area.

接受训练的服务犬可以进入校园内的所有公共设施 作为工作服务性动物的基础(见上文),前提是狗是被遗弃的 训练犬的由训练者带领或陪同的,目的是训练狗和训练者 是否有文件证明培训师隶属于认可或认证的机构 service dog training organization.

只有成年犬(12个月或以上)才被认为是训练中的服务犬 under college policy. “Puppies in training” are not permitted in college buildings.

Service dogs in training are not permitted in classrooms, offices, or other areas of campus buildings not open to the general public.

希望在大学训练中使用服务犬的残疾学生 宿舍、教室、办公室或其他不对公众开放的校园建筑区域 公众必须在ODS注册,并通过合理的便利寻求批准 过程.

服务性动物可能会被从学校的设施或场地中带走,如果破坏性的(e).g., 吠叫,徘徊,表现出攻击行为)和行为是在外面 duties of the service 动物. Ill, unhygienic, and/or unsanitary service 动物s are not permitted in public campus areas. The individual responsible for such an 动物 may be required to remove the 动物.


学院提供合理的住宿住宿的居民与文件 残疾. This Policy governs the use of Assistance Animals in College Housing. The Fair Housing Act (FHA) identifies two types of assistance 动物s: (1) service 动物,以及(2)其他经过训练或未经训练的从事工作、执行任务、提供服务的动物 帮助和/或为残疾人提供治疗性情感支持.
